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Online gift catalog

Giving Catalog

Our Giving catalog contains items for purchase which directly benefit our community as a whole, fund programs, purchase supplies, or provide direct impact services to low-income residents.

Barber and Beauty shop gift certificate

Each gift certificate is used to help our beautician and staff provide hair salon services for a resident who could not otherwise afford it.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $25.00 $25.00
0 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Homeless Care Kit Supplies
Homeless Care Kit Supplies

Homeless Care Kit Supplies

Homeless Care Kit Supplies

Each quarter our skilled nursing residents come together to assemble Homeless Care Kits. The care kits are then given to local area non-profits who hand them out. Our residents gain a sense of contribution and self-worth, local non-profits are empowered to do the outreach they need to do, and the recipients of the kits receive much needed supplies to meet their needs.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $15.00 $15.00
0 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.

Buy a Disaster Preparedness Kit for a low-income resident at Warm Beach

Part of feeling safe and empowered is knowing that you will be able to provide for yourself in the event of a natural disaster like an earthquake or other extreme weather event. We are encouraging all residents at Warm Beach to be prepared with a Disaster preparedness kit. For some the cost to acquire the necessary supplies is too much. You can help a low-income resident to purchase a Disaster Preparedness kit. Each kit includes supplies for 72 hours of basic needs to be met.

Quantity Price Subtotal
1 $200.00 $200.00
0 Inventory
@ $200.00 ea.